
What is Cloud security posture management?

Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) is a process of actively managing the security posture of cloud environments, such as public cloud, private cloud, and hybrid cloud. CSPM involves continuously assessing the security posture of cloud-based systems, ensuring that the security configurations of cloud resources meet the desired security requirements.

The goal of CSPM is to reduce the risk posed by cloud services and resources by proactively detecting and addressing any potential security vulnerabilities. CSPM also helps to ensure compliance with industry regulations, such as the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).

CSPM typically involves the use of automated tools and processes to perform periodic scans of the cloud environment and to monitor any changes in the security posture. These scans may include vulnerability scans, configuration scans, and policy compliance scans. The results of the scans are then compared against a baseline of acceptable security configurations and any deviations are flagged for further investigation and remediation.

Additionally, CSPM can be used to continuously monitor cloud services for any suspicious activity, such as malicious files or unauthorized access attempts. This type of monitoring can help to detect and mitigate any potential security issues before they become a problem.

In short, CSPM is a process of proactively managing the security posture of cloud environments. By implementing CSPM, organizations can ensure that their cloud resources are secure and compliant with industry regulations.

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